Friday, April 11, 2008

Physical Benefit of Sunday

The Presbyterian Magazine, October 1855.

Physical Benefit of Sunday.

The Sabbath is God's special present to the working man, and one of its chief objects is to prolong his life, and preserve efficient his working tone. In the vital system it acts like a compensation pool; it replenishes the spirits, the elasticity, and vigour, which the six have drained away, and supplies the force which is to fill the six days succeeding; and in the economy of existence, it answers the same purpose as, in the economy of income, is answered by a savings bank.

The prudent man who puts aside a pound today, and another pound next month, and who, in a quiet way, is always putting by his stated pound, from time to time, when he grows old and frail, gets not only the same pounds back again, but a good many more beside. And the conscientious man who husbands one day of existence every week, who, instead of allowing the Sabbath to be trampled on, and torn, in the hurry and scramble of life, treasures it devoutly up--the Lord of the Sabbath keeps it for him, and length of days and a hale old age give it back with usury. The Savings Bank of human existence is the weekly Sabbath.--- North British Review.

Seasons of Life

a 'Brevity' from
The Presbyterian Magazine
February, 1858.
edited by Rev. C. Van Rensselaer, D.D.
Published in Philadelphia by Joseph M. Wilson.


It is not in the light and sunny places of the wilderness that the traveler most sweetly reposes. It is under the shadow of a great rock, or in the depth of a sequestered valley; and so it is with a Christian. The sun of prosperity withers our joys, and changes the green leaves into the sickly colors of autumn. Adversity is like the winter, which prepares the ground for the reception of the seed, and for the rich and glowing luxuriance of spring-time.

Brooks - What does a holy patience not exclude? (Part 4)

Thomas Brooks, The Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod, with Sovereign Antidotes... Seventh Edition. London, 1699. [Abridged, edited, and extracted by SML.]

What does holy patience not exclude? (continued)

Fifthly, a holy, a prudent silence does not exclude moderate mourning or weeping under the afflicting hand of God.

Sixthly, a gracious, a prudent silence does not exclude sighing, groaning, or roaring under affliction. A man may sigh, and groan, and roar under the hand of God, and yet be silent; it is not sighing, but muttering; it is not groaning, but grumbling, it is not roaring, but murmuring, that is opposite to a holy Silence, Exod. 2.23 And the Children of Israel sighed by reason of their bondage. (You may see much of this by comparing the following Scriptures, Lam 1:4,11,21,22. Ps 31:10, Jer. 45:3, Ex 2:24, Job 23:3, Ps 66.) Sometimes the sighs and groans of a Saint, do in some sort tell that which his tongue can in no sort utter.

Seventhly, a holy, a prudent silence, does not exclude or shut out the use of any just or lawful means, whereby persons may be delivered out of their afflictions. God would not have his people so in love with their afflictions as not to use such righteous means as may deliver them out of their afflictions, Mat 10:23. But when they persecute you in this City, flee you into another, Acts 12. Afflictions are evil in themselves, and we may desire and endeavour to be delivered from them, James 5:14-15. Isa 38:18-21, both inward and outward means are to be used for our own preservation.

Eighthly, a holy, a prudent silence does not exclude a just and sober complaining against the authors, contrivers, abettors, or instruments of our afflictions, 2 Tim 4:14. Alexander the Coppersmith did me much evil, the Lord reward him according to his works.

Christ himself (who was the most perfect pattern for dumbness and silence under sore trials) complains against Judas, Pilate, and the rest of his persecutors, Ps 69: 20,30,&tc.

Next: Why Christians must be mute and silent under afflictions in this world. (Part 5)